Celebrating Freedom this July

We hope this July brings a little extra sunshine to our Quick 12 community.  And with that sunshine, we want remind everyone that July is National UV Protection month.  As much as we want to protect your mental well-being while working at the bedside, we also want to make sure that your taking an extra minute to apply some SPF to your physical-being while you enjoy soaking in those wonderful summer rays outside of work.

One of the best parts about summer is the balance it brings to those long hard shifts.  There's really nothing better than spending some time at the beach with your loved ones and friends to cap off a summer week that started with a few tough shifts on the floor.  The gentle breeze, sound of lapping waves, feel of the warm sand... you can really appreciate all of that after working a few quick twelve hour shifts.   But something we don't often come to appreciate in those picturesque beachside moments the sacrifices that were made by others to secure the freedom that allows us to enjoy our time off from work in whatever way we choose.

This July, we want to make sure that we, along with our Quick 12 community intentionally takes a moment to appreciate these sacrifices to protect our freedoms.  This month, we will be donating 25% of our profits from our Quick 12 "Shift Support" Camo Tee's to the Wounded Warrior Project, an organization with the mission to support veterans and service members who incurred a physical or mental injury, illness, or wound while serving in the military in transitioning back to civilian life.  For more information about the resources and supports provided by the Wounded Warrior Project, please visit: https://www.woundedwarriorproject.org/programs.

Help us express appreciation for our freedom:


Quick 12 Shift Support Camo Tee


Quick 12 "Shift Support" Camo Tee's
