May is National Nursing Month

May Q12

In the 1800's, Florence Nightingale's vision shaped the future of nursing practice into a profession.  By modern definition, a nurse is "a person that is formally educated and trained in the care of the sick or infirm".  It was Nightingale who first established the core principles of formal nursing education and training that now define the modern nurse. As such, it is fitting that what is internationally recognized as Nurse's Month is celebrated every May, Florence Nightingale's birth month.

Quick 12 was founded and continues to be solely operated by nurses. This May, we want to take a minute to express our appreciation for our nursing colleagues near and far for supporting us, as we advance our mission to support nurses and other professional caregivers through the powers of positivity and resiliency.  

There are currently 4 million registered nurses in the United States alone who have faced incredible challenges over the past few years.  Looking towards the future of professional nursing, there was an increase in enrollment for BSN programs in 2020 during the Covid pandemic.  These prospective nurses are bright, resilient, and will be welcomed as a breath of fresh air into a pandemic-fatigued workforce. 

Thats why for this International Nurse's Month, here at Quick 12, we've created the "Optimism" tie-dye long-sleeve with 25% of proceeds going to support the bright future of Florence Nightingale's vision by directly supporting the mental health and resilience of nursing students throughout the greater Boston-area.

tie dye nurse optimism

"It Means the Future is Bright"