Lindsey Whitcomb, RN, BSN
Quick 12's Featured Nurse of the Month!
Celebrated as Quick 12's Featured Nurse of the Month, Lindsey Whitcomb, RN, BSN is a Cardiac Surgery Nurse in Boston, MA.
"I love working with people and I knew I wanted to work in a profession in which I could somehow help others. Becoming a nurse was the perfect fit for me!"
With over 15 years of nursing experience, Lindsey knows what it takes to provide excellent nursing care. Patients undergoing cardiac surgery are incredibly scared and immensely stressed about the potential challenges and uncertainties that may arise throughout their surgery and recovery journey. In order to properly address the emotional impact of cardiac surgery on patients, it's important for cardiac surgery nurses to have a strong sense of resiliency and positivity.
"Our job can be super stressful at times. I love what the Quick 12 mindset is all about - having a positive attitude and resiliency is so important in our profession. Cardiac Surgery nursing is great. It's so impressive to see how well people recover after surgery. I really enjoy caring for our heart transplant patients and I'm still in awe of how incredible these patients do after receiving their new donor hearts".
When Lindsey is not providing life-saving care to her recovering cardiac patients, she enjoys balancing her life with family time and exercise. Thank you Lindsey and to all of of our Quick 12 nurse supporters who practice in the cardiac specialty for everything that you do to support the positivity and resilience of your colleagues and patients everyday!